At Rochetts Farm we are proud to produce delicious free range eggs from our happy free range chickens. We believe in the highest welfare standards and encourage our chickens to exhibit their natural scratching and roaming behaviour. To achieve this we let them roam freely over 20 acres of grassland and woodland. To encourage the chickens outside we give them shelter in woodland and have planted over 600 new trees for them to explore. When the weather isn’t so good they have plenty of warm dry space inside the shed where they have separate spaces for laying their eggs, scratching around in fresh straw and perches for them to roost at night. We do all of this because we believe that if we keep the chickens comfortable and happy they will reward us with producing lots of delicious eggs! The Freedom Food (RSPCA scheme) certification mark that we display on our packaging assures you that our chickens do enjoy higher RSPCA welfare standards and have access to the sheltered grassland all year round.

Where to buy?

If you want to get your hands on our quality local eggs you can pick them up from Callcott Hall farm shop, just on the edge of Brentwood (on the A128 Ongar road, about 1.5 miles from the high street.) Make sure you look for our distinctive green and yellow box’s to ensure you benefit from our happy chickens hard work!